‘Cademy Crazies is a long standing tradition here at AHA. Run by the students, for the students, the presence of this account on Twitter and Instagram provides game day information, theme selections, and most importantly, gives insight to all things AHA sports. Passed down from grade to grade, the select seniors put in charge hold an enormous responsibility. For the first time ever, we got the privilege to meet with the current chosen seniors and get to the bottom of the real question: What does it take to be a ‘Cademy Crazy Superfan?
While conducting an exclusive interview with one of the owners of the ‘Cademy Crazies account, we got insight into how they have kept this influential account successful for all this time. First off, in order to pack the stands with cheering fans, they must make sure that the students know accurate information as to when and where the games are. Secondly, they come up with a fun and creative theme for each game (like Hawaiian Out) for the student section to follow as a way of showing the school’s unity and fun spirit. Last, but definitely not least, Superfans are responsible for leading appropriate cheers and keeping the energy in the student section alive, which is a critical part to many of AHA’s sports teams success.
The ’Cademy Crazies creates more than just school spirit; they bring together students to support each other outside of the classroom by creating a safe and enthusiastic environment for students to support one another. This perfect formula is why the AHA is known for our incredible school spirit. With all this new information learned about the difficulties of this task, do you think you have what it takes to be a ‘Cademy Crazy Superfan?