Throughout the course of human history, never has such an important list been accumulated as the official Blue & Gold Top 10 Christmas Songs 2021. The anticipation has been building for weeks now as the students and faculty of the school eagerly await the results of the survey, praying for their song to make the list much like a child on Christmas, but instead of visions of sugar plums, they dream of Mariah Carey. Without further ado, here are the top 10 Christmas songs of all time according to you, the students.
1All I Want For Christmas Is YouMariah Carey692Last ChristmasWham!363It’s Beginning To Look Alot Like ChristmasMichael Buble284Have Yourself a Merry Little ChristmasFrank Sinatra275Feliz NavidadJosé Feliciano266Baby It’s Cold OutsideDean Martin237SnowmanSia228Santa Tell MeAriana Grande209Christmas Time Is HereVince Guaraldi2010Jingle Bell RockBobby Helms20