Every year during the winter season, CMT organizes multiple donation drives to help people in need. This year, the period-3 CMT class was in charge of arranging the food drive to give to St. Vincent de Paul in Brooklyn Park, who will then pass out the food to families in need. When deciding on a theme for the drive, they rose to the challenge and came upon an Among Us theme! When asked about the theme, many students said that teacher Mr. Schumacher actually came up with the idea. Soon, students began to get creative and make posters to hang up advertising the food drive. This year’s food drive came to an end with an astonishing total of 2,271 items of food. CMT also created motivation for students to bring in as much food as possible: whichever homeroom brings in the most food items gets free donuts for their homeroom. Mr. Gorrill’s freshman homeroom won the competition and collected over 100 items of food. CMT was very excited with the results of the number of items collected.
Feeding the Hungry among Us
December 1, 2021