Monday – Decades Day
Monday was Decades Day with its daily activity being a Kahoot about the teachers. Each grade was assigned different decades in fashion. Seniors were dressed as the 70s, juniors the 80s, sophomores the 90s, and freshmen got the 2000s. The teachers, with a wide variety of effort, were the 60s. Many seniors walked into school sporting their gogo boots and peace necklaces. The juniors embodied the spirit of the decade with a combination of denim jackets and bright neon coloring. The sophomores donned their flannels in 90s style, while the freshmen showed up in a wide variety of 2000s fashion, ranging from two-piece tracksuits to different types of denim.

Tuesday – Tropical Day
Tropical Tuesday was an eventful second day of this year’s Homecoming Week. The activity for the day was the gripping game of bingo planned by the wonderful student government. The day started off well; the cool, brisk air of autumn was recognized by students. When Mr. Vitek, our in-house Hawaiian shirt wearer, was asked what he thought of the day, he said he “wasn’t surprised, but excited. I knew I wouldn’t have put any work in.” Students worked hard at studying and learning in a plethora of subjects throughout the day. Then, after the enjoyable school day, extracurricular activities began. There was a trifecta of a night for the girls teams; Girls Tennis, Soccer, and Volleyball varsity teams all outplayed their opponents and brought home a win. The varsity Boys Soccer team also secured a victory against Southwest Christian. Tropical Tuesday was a success both in the classroom and in athletic events.

Wednesday – Come as You Are
Wednesday of Homecoming Week allowed students to “come as they are.” Many, like Mr. Marshak, took a more abstract interpretation of the theme, but we also saw many comfy sweatshirts, sweatpants, and sandals (with socks). Some even showed up in their pajamas. Mr. Marshak dressed up in a giraffe onesie that had an attached giraffe head. During lunch, students participated in the lunchtime activity of the day which was AHA trivia Kahoot.

Thursday – Holiday Day
Thursday was another thrilling day for the Stars, who showed their holiday spirit with flying colors! The freshmen showed their Valentine’s Day spirit with an array of reds, whites, and pinks, often emphasizing patterns and hearts. The sophomores displayed their Irish pride with an excess of green and shamrocks. Sophomore Josh George was honored for his incredible dedication and spirit at Cross Country. The juniors played the favorites with their representation of Christmas. The red and green have never looked quite so stylish. Juniors Meredith Diehl, Tiffany Dubbeldee, and Brendan Hainey were recognized for their spectacular participation in tennis, cross country, and soccer respectively. The seniors were given an opportunity to display their American pride with the classic and nationally revered Stars and Stripes. Seniors Meghan Kelly, Grace Clements, Olivia Lewis, and Braden Stock were honored for their remarkable leadership and demonstration of excellence in soccer, volleyball, and football.

Friday – Spirit Day
Even though Friday was the shortest day of Homecoming Week, it still contained just as much fun and excitement as the other days. Every student showed up in their best AHA spirit wear for the early dismissal schedule. During lunch, students were entertained with a “lunchtime DJ.” Both current and past hit songs were played, which made some break out their dance moves. Later that night, the students packed the fan section to watch the football team’s impressive victory over St. Louis Park. Overall, it was an incredible day and a fantastic way to end the Homecoming school week while anticipating the dance the following night.
Saturday – Homecoming Dance
The Homecoming dance was quite the spectacle! The students entered with their admission tickets—financial compensation in one hand, two cans of food for the food drive in the other—and received an unforgettable night in return. The young scholars arrived wearing their best attire, earnestly awaiting the extravaganza ahead. As soon as the music started, every eager student dropped any pretense of formality and danced their hearts out. They circled around the center under the tent, jumping, waving, and using any means possible to release their pent-up energy to the beat of a sweet tune. Individual students were sporadically summoned to the center of the circle in the hopes of showing off their remarkable dancing skills; however, most were unable to attain the hype given by their classmates. As the music died, and a sweaty coalition of students from all grades exited the circle, the school illuminated with the energy and passion of its inhabitants. A memorable night to be sure!